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Un Blog de Esperanza y Vida

Únete a nosotros en este apasionante viaje hacia la paternidad y maternidad, donde compartiremos testimonios inspiradores y te mantendremos actualizado sobre los últimos avances en medicina reproductiva.

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Boss, I'm Pregnant!: A Guide on How to Break the News at Work.

Congratulations, future mom! You are about to embark on the most exciting adventure of your life. But first, you have to tackle a mission almost as challenging as choosing the baby's name: telling your boss that you're pregnant. Don't worry, it's not as scary as it seems (I promise). In fact, a recent study revealed that 21% of expectant parents feel nervous about breaking the news at work. See! You're not alone in this. So take a deep breath, put on your best smile, and get ready to share the news like a professional (with a touch of tenderness, of course).

The big dilemma: When to drop the bomb?

Ah, the eternal question: when is the perfect time to say, "Boss, I'm going to need a bigger desk for two"? Well, legally in Spain, you must inform your employer about your pregnancy when you need adjustments to your job according to the Occupational Risk Prevention Law. But between you and me, it's better not to wait until your belly speaks for you. Riesgos Laborales. Pero entre tú y yo, es mejor no esperar hasta que tu barriga hable por ti.

Most expectant mothers choose the end of the first trimester to break the news. Why? Well, by then, morning sickness (which should be called "all-day sickness") usually eases up a bit, and the risk of miscarriage decreases. Plus, it's the perfect time to explain why you've been running to the bathroom every 5 minutes.

Should I tell my boss early that I'm pregnant?

Consider breaking the news earlier if:

1. Your "morning sickness" is more like "apocalyptic sickness."

2. You fall asleep on the keyboard (more than usual).

3. Your medical appointments are more frequent than your visits to the coffee machine.

4. You're about to announce it on Instagram (and your boss follows you).

5. Your job involves lifting things heavier than a feather.

6. You work with chemicals you can't even pronounce.

7. You need your office chair to have an ejection system to get up.

Remember, in Spain, Organic Law 3/2007 protects you against discrimination. So don't worry, your rights are more protected than a pirate's treasure chest!

Is it too late to tell your boss that you're pregnant at 20 weeks?

Not at all! You can share the news when you feel ready. However, in Spain, you must notify your employer of your pregnancy at least 15 days before starting your maternity leave. You might want to wait if:

1. You've had previous losses and prefer to be cautious.

2. You're still processing the news (Yes, sometimes it takes time to realize that you'll soon be responsible for another human being!).

3. You're about to get a promotion (although legally they can't deny it because you're pregnant, it doesn't hurt to be strategic!).

When should I tell Human Resources that I'm pregnant?

You can talk to Human Resources before or after telling your boss. They are like the fairy godmothers of the work world: they have all the information about your rights and magical maternity benefits.

Know your superpowers (also known as Labor Rights).

Before walking into your boss's office like a pregnant superhero, it's important that you know your legal superpowers:

Organic Law 3/2007 for the effective equality of women and men.

This law is like your protective shield. It defends you against any villain who tries to discriminate against you for being pregnant. Don’t even think about it, evil boss!

The occupational risk prevention law.

It’s like your invisibility cloak against workplace hazards. If your job involves anything more dangerous than using a stapler, this law protects you.

The workers' statute.

Think of this as your superpowers manual. It gives you the power to reduce your working hours, take breaks for breastfeeding, and even request leave to take care of your little superhero.

Maternity leave.

16 weeks of paid leave! Well, not exactly a vacation, but at least you can spend time with your baby without worrying about work.

Benefit for risk during pregnancy.

If your job is more dangerous than trying to open a jar of pickles at midnight, this benefit covers you with 100% of your salary.

The art of saying "I'm pregnant" without it sounding like "I'm going to mars."

Now, the moment of truth. Here are some tips for breaking the news with style:

1. Your boss first, then the world: Don’t let them find out through the office WhatsApp group.

2. Schedule a meeting: A casual "Do you have a minute?" can work, but make sure it’s not right before an important meeting.

3. Face-to-face is better: If possible, say it in person. Facial expressions don’t convey well via email (and baby emojis can be misinterpreted).

4. Be prepared for questions: Your boss might have more questions than a 5-year-old. Be ready.

5. Have your own questions: This is your moment to shine and get all the information you need.

6. Stay calm and be brief: There's no need to tell the entire story of how you found out you were pregnant (unless it’s really funny).

7. Suggest a follow-up meeting: Show that you’re proactive and have everything under control (even if you’re panicking inside).

8. Ask for discretion: If you don’t want the whole office to know yet, ask your boss to keep the news confidential (for now).

Magic phrases to tell your boss that you'll soon be a mom (without giving them a heart attack).

1."I have some exciting news! I'm expecting a baby in [month]. I'm really thrilled and already thinking about how we can organize everything for the best of the team."

2. "I wanted to share a major update in my life with you. I'm going to be a mom! The baby is due in [month]. I would love for us to discuss how to plan my maternity leave and my return to work in the most effective way."

3. "I have wonderful news that I’d like to share with you. I'm pregnant and the baby is due in [month]. I'm very excited and also committed to my work. Could we meet soon to discuss how we can make this transition as smooth as possible for everyone?"

4. "Guess what! Soon, there will be one more in the family. I'm pregnant and the baby is due in [month]. I'm very happy and also thinking about how we can best manage this at work. How about we schedule a meeting to discuss the details?"

5. "I have some news that fills me with joy and I wanted to share it with you first. I'm expecting a baby! The baby is due in [month]. I've already been looking into our maternity policies and would love to discuss with you how we can make this work in the best way possible for everyone."

In summary, breaking the news of your pregnancy at work doesn't have to be a stressful experience. With a bit of preparation, a smile, and the right attitude, you can turn this moment into an opportunity to show your professionalism and enthusiasm. Remember, you are about to embark on an incredible adventure, and your job is just a part of it!

So take a deep breath, smile, and get ready to drop the bomb (of love, of course). You can do it, future supermom!


At Mater Clinic, we are here to support you every step of the way on this beautiful journey to motherhood, including these important moments of transition in your personal and professional life. Remember, we have caring professionals always ready to answer your questions. If you want more information, feel free to write to us without any obligation or book an appointment with us. We are on Doctoralia, or you can contact us via WhatsApp at 645 096 548 or through your preferred method of contact. We will be delighted to talk with you!


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