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Unveiling the Truth: 10 Common Myths About Menopause You Should Know

Menopause is a natural stage in a woman's life, typically occurring between the ages of 45 and 55, and is defined as the permanent cessation of menstruation and fertility. It's a gradual process that can last for several years, during which hormone levels, such as estrogen and progesterone, gradually decrease.

Menopause is a normal change that occurs when a woman has gone 12 consecutive months without a period. The effects associated with menopause can make us feel very uncomfortable: night sweats, vaginal dryness, mood changes, hot flashes, and sleep problems. In other words, it's not a walk in the park. But something that can help with the transition is separating reality from fiction.

Although menopause can bring about some challenging symptoms, it can also be a time of relief from worries about menstruation and contraception. It's a natural process in women's lives and has been surrounded by a nebula of myths and misunderstandings that often lead to anxiety and confusion.

Here, we break down ten of the most common myths about menopause, providing clarity and understanding about this crucial chapter in many women's lives:

1. Menopause happens suddenly: False, menopause is a gradual process that can last several years. It begins with perimenopause, where hormone levels fluctuate, and culminates when a woman has not had a menstrual period for 12 consecutive months.

2. Menopause means the end of sexual life: False, although changes in sexual desire and vaginal lubrication may occur due to decreased estrogen, many women continue to enjoy a fulfilling sexual life during and after menopause.

3. All women experience hot flashes: Not all women experience hot flashes during menopause. Around 75% of women do, but for others, symptoms may vary, including mood changes, insomnia, or vaginal dryness.

4. Menopause starts at 50: While the average age of menopause is around 51, it can occur anytime between 40 and 60, and even earlier in cases of premature menopause.

5. Menopause is only physical: Menopause can have physical and emotional effects. Hormonal changes can influence mood, causing anxiety, irritability, or depression in some women.

6. Women cannot conceive during menopause: Although fertility declines with age and menopause marks the natural end of reproductive capacity, some women can become pregnant during perimenopause, especially if they are not using contraceptives. Additionally, with the assistance of assisted reproduction, women entering this stage can become pregnant through various fertility treatments.

7. Menopause inevitably causes weight gain: While it's common for women to experience changes in fat distribution during menopause, it's not an inevitable fate. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, with a balanced diet and regular exercise, can help prevent unwanted weight gain.

8. Menopause is a sign of old age: Menopause should not be associated with old age. It's simply another stage in a woman's life. Many women continue to lead active and productive lives during and after menopause.

9. Hormone therapy is the only option for treating symptoms: While hormone therapy can be effective in relieving menopausal symptoms, other options are available, such as lifestyle changes, natural supplements, alternative therapies, and specific medications to treat particular symptoms.

10. Menopause means the end of bone health: Decreased estrogen during menopause can increase the risk of osteoporosis, but it doesn't mean it's inevitable. Maintaining adequate calcium and vitamin D intake, along with regular exercise, can help maintain bone health during and after menopause.

By debunking these misconceptions, we hope to provide clarity and support to women going through menopause and those who wish to better understand this transitional period in female life. With accurate information and a proactive approach to healthcare, women can face menopause with confidence and well-being.

It's important to understand that your body has changed and is now entering a different stage where you'll experience changes in your body and emotions. It's a natural process that women go through at some point in their lives.

Menopause is a natural moment in every woman's life, but it's always important to have the necessary tools and navigate this moment in the best way possible. That's why at Mater Clinic, we care about providing humane and personalized attention, and that's why we have two specialized consultations: Menopause Problems Consultation for those who prefer a traditional gynecological consultation, and a Menopause Problems Consultation with a Holistic and Comprehensive approach to address you as a whole, evaluating your emotions, your environment, and everything necessary, where we'll provide evidence-based strategies and practical tools to navigate each phase with confidence, thus reinforcing self-awareness and self-care, which can help you address all dimensions of this life stage.



We at Mater Clinic have human professionals always ready to clarify your doubts. If you want more information, you can write to us without any commitment or schedule an appointment with us. We are on doctoralia or you can write to us on our WhatsApp number at 645 096 548 or through your preferred contact method, and we'll be happy to talk to you!

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