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A Blog of Hope and Life

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Too young to worry about your fertility? The key questions that could change your path.

When you decide to start a family, the expectation that everything will happen naturally can fill you with hope. But what happens if pregnancy doesn’t come? Sometimes, facing infertility feels like a distant concern, something that happens to others or something you shouldn’t worry about until you’re older. However, the reality is that time and proper knowledge are your greatest allies.

Fertility doesn’t discriminate by age, and the biological clock doesn’t always follow the rules we think we know. Have you ever wondered if you should worry about your fertility even though you’re young? You’re not alone on this journey.

A survey called "The Fertility Journey" revealed a concerning lack of information about how and when to seek help. Many couples in their twenties and thirties face discouraging responses like, “Just wait a little longer, it will happen.” But is waiting really enough?

If you’ve decided to have a child, there are steps you can take to optimize your natural fertility. However, if there are factors such as blocked fallopian tubes or the absence of sperm, waiting won’t change the outcome. So, where should you start? A good first step is to have an open conversation with your primary care doctor, equipping yourself with questions that can make a difference.

Warning signs you shouldn’t ignore.

•If you’ve been trying to conceive for over a year without success.

•If you’re over 35 years old.

•If your menstrual cycles are irregular or very painful.

•If you have a family history of fertility problems.

•If you’ve had previous pelvic surgeries.

•If your partner has known risk factors.

Key questions for your primary care doctor.

1. We’ve been trying for a year without success. Should I be worried? In most cases, the answer is yes. Many couples underestimate the amount of “real effort” involved, but if you’ve been having regular, unprotected intercourse for 12 months without success, it’s time to dig deeper. A doctor can help identify any hidden factors that may be interfering.

2. All our initial tests are normal. Could I still need treatment? Unexplained infertility is more common than you might think: about one-third of cases fall into this category. This doesn’t mean treatment is inevitable, but a specialist can help you explore personalized options.

3. If I delay treatment, could my ovarian reserve decrease? Ovarian reserve, a measure of egg quantity and quality, declines with age. Even if your current levels are good, they don’t predict future fertility. Talking to your doctor about specific tests can help you make informed decisions.

4.My partner has a poor sperm analysis. Is there anything we can do? In many cases, yes. Lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking, reducing alcohol consumption, and improving nutrition can positively impact sperm quality. Additionally, the right supplements can be very helpful. A specialist can guide you further.

5. I’m over 40 but healthy and ovulating regularly. Can I feel reassured? Being fit and healthy is a significant advantage, but fertility declines rapidly after age 35. This doesn’t mean you need IVF immediately, but it’s crucial to evaluate your options with a specialist as soon as possible.

Taking the next step: information and support.

Knowing when to seek help can be challenging, but there are resources that can make the journey easier:

•Fertility health and wellness tests: These can provide quick insights into potential issues within a menstrual cycle.

•Consultations with specialists: Many clinics offer free informational sessions or initial consultations with fertility professionals.

•Awareness events: Attending talks or seminars can give you clarity and confidence to take the next step.

The power of acting early.

The greatest gift you can give yourself is early information. There are far too many patients who wish they had asked questions sooner.

For example:

If I’m young and fertile but not ready to become a mother, what can I do to preserve my fertility for the future?

You can choose cryopreservation, a procedure that allows you to freeze unfertilized eggs for future use.

The decision to preserve your eggs is not just a matter of age or circumstances but an act of empowerment that enables you to keep your reproductive options open. It’s like saving a treasure for the future: your youngest and healthiest eggs, waiting for the moment you choose to use them.

Advances in reproductive medicine have given us this extraordinary opportunity to plan motherhood more flexibly, making early action a potentially significant factor in your future possibilities.

Fertility is not just a number; it’s a complex interaction of factors that deserve professional attention when the signs appear, regardless of your age.

If something you’ve read resonates with you, remember that infertility has no age or single path. What’s important is to trust your instincts, seek answers, and surround yourself with a medical team that supports you with empathy. Early information and action can be the keys to transforming your dreams into reality.

Take the first step with Mater Clinic!

At Mater Clinic, we believe in a holistic and human approach. If you have concerns about your fertility, we can provide a personalized assessment to help you better understand your reproductive health. Our experts are here to guide you through every step of the process, from diagnostic tests to treatment options tailored to your needs.


Your fertility matters!

Don’t underestimate the importance of addressing your concerns early. At Mater Clinic, we are here to listen, support you, and work together toward your goal: building your family. Contact us today to take the first step!

Reach out to us at or visit our website for more information.


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