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Semen Allergy: A Little-Known challenge for fertility and sexual life.

When we talk about allergies, we usually think of food, pollen, or medications. However, there is a little-known condition that significantly impacts the lives of some women: semen allergy, also known as human seminal plasma hypersensitivity. Although rare, this condition can have a significant impact on the quality of sexual life and the chances of conception for those who experience it.

What is semen allergy?

Semen allergy occurs when the immune system identifies the proteins in seminal plasma as a threat. This triggers an allergic response that can range from mild to severe. Although uncommon, it is estimated to affect up to 12% of women between the ages of 20 and 30.

Symptoms typically appear within 30 minutes after contact with semen and include:

• Redness and itching in the genital area.

• Burning or pain during or after sexual intercourse.

• Vaginal swelling and surrounding areas.

• Recurrent vaginitis

.• In severe cases, anaphylactic reactions requiring immediate medical attention.

Impact on fertility.

In addition to physical discomfort, semen allergy can make conception more challenging. Recurrent inflammation in the vagina creates a hostile environment for sperm, reducing their chances of surviving and reaching the egg. In some cases, women with this condition experience chronic vaginitis, further decreasing the likelihood of natural pregnancy.

However, this does not mean that conception is impossible. There are several medical options available that allow women with this condition to achieve a safe pregnancy.

Immediate solutions

1. Use of condoms

The simplest method to prevent allergic reactions is the use of condoms. By avoiding direct contact with semen, the allergy trigger is eliminated. While this is an effective solution for relieving symptoms, it is not viable for couples trying to conceive.

2. Antihistamine treatments

In mild cases, antihistamines can temporarily relieve symptoms by blocking the action of histamine, a substance released during allergic reactions. However, they are not recommended for long-term use in women trying to conceive, as they may alter the vaginal environment and affect sperm mobility.

Assisted reproductive techniques.

For couples trying to conceive, assisted reproductive techniques offer effective solutions:

- Artificial Insemination (AI):

In this procedure, semen is processed in a laboratory to separate sperm from seminal plasma, removing the proteins responsible for the allergy. The sperm is then introduced directly into the uterus, avoiding contact with the vagina. This method is less invasive and yields good results in cases of mild to moderate allergy.

- In Vitro Fertilization (IVF):

For more severe cases, IVF is an ideal option. This method involves fertilizing the woman’s eggs with sperm in a laboratory, without contact with seminal plasma. Once fertilized, the embryo is transferred to the uterus, eliminating any risk of an allergic reaction.

Both methods allow couples to overcome the challenges posed by the allergy and increase their chances of having a baby.

Living with semen allergy

Accepting and managing this condition can be an emotional challenge, but having the support of reproductive health specialists and an understanding partner is key. Openly discussing symptoms and exploring medical options can make a significant difference in the quality of life for those affected.


If you identify these symptoms, don’t feel ashamed or isolate yourself. At Mater Clinic, we understand that every experience is unique, and we specialize in helping you navigate these reproductive challenges. Science is advancing, and today there are more solutions than ever. A consultation with our specialists can turn a frustrating experience into a path toward motherhood.

Your body is not your enemy. It’s your bravest ally, sometimes just needing a little help to understand its own reactions.

Remember: every story is unique, and every challenge has its solution. At Mater Clinic, we are here to support you. If you’d like more information, feel free to contact us without any obligation or schedule an appointment. You can reach us on WhatsApp at 645 096 548 or through your preferred contact method. We’ll be delighted to talk to you!


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