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Premature Menopause: Understanding Its Symptoms and Causes.

Premature menopause is a condition that brings an early end to the fertile phase of life much sooner than expected. Although it affects only 1% of the female population, its physical and emotional repercussions are significant. Understanding this condition is essential to providing appropriate support and therapeutic options to those affected.

To do this, it is important to understand: What is premature menopause?

Premature menopause is defined as the absence of menstruation for at least 12 months due to the cessation of ovarian activity. Normally, menopause occurs around the age of 50, marking the natural end of the fertile period. However, when this process happens earlier and occurs before the age of 40, it is referred to as premature menopause, and if it happens before the age of 45, it is called early menopause.

What physical and emotional impact does it have on a woman's life?

The impact of premature menopause can be profound, both physically and psychologically. In addition to fertility challenges, women face additional health risks, including premature aging of tissues, a higher risk of osteoporosis, and cardiovascular problems due to the lack of estrogen.

¿What are the symptoms?

The symptoms of premature menopause are similar to those of regular menopause, but the main difference is the age at which they become noticeable, specifically because they appear at a younger age. The most common symptoms include:

•Hot flashes


• Lack of concentration


These symptoms are a consequence of the abrupt hormonal changes that occur when the ovaries stop producing eggs.

The end of ovarian activity also has various effects on the functioning of a woman's body: the hormonal changes caused by the end of the cycle can lead to the premature aging of some tissues, especially the bones and also the cardiovascular system.

Specifically, when it comes to bone health, the end of the protective role played by estrogen can weaken the bones and increase the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

Causes of Premature Menopause

The causes of premature menopause can be varied; some women have a genetic or familial predisposition. In other cases, it can result from endocrinological or metabolic disorders, or even autoimmune diseases. It can also be induced by medical procedures such as gynecological surgeries or cancer treatments.

So, ¿what are the therapeutic options?, ¿Is there a solution?

Although there is no cure for premature menopause, there are therapeutic options available to mitigate its effects. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is one of the most common. This therapy replaces the hormones that the ovaries no longer produce, such as estrogen and progestin, helping to alleviate symptoms and protect bone and cardiovascular health.

However, HRT is not suitable for all women. Those with a history of certain types of cancer or blood clotting disorders need to be carefully evaluated before starting this therapy due to potential side effects.

In addition to HRT, many women find relief through holistic therapies. These can include dietary changes, regular exercise, and practices like meditation and mindfulness to reduce stress. Herbal supplements, such as black cohosh and red clover, are also commonly used to alleviate symptoms. Acupuncture and massage therapy can help manage pain and improve overall well-being.

Fertility and Premature Menopause

Premature menopause generally drastically reduces the chances of pregnancy; however, it is not impossible to conceive. Assisted reproductive techniques, such as in vitro fertilization with donor eggs, can be a viable option.

Support and Guidance

The diagnosis of premature menopause can be devastating, but with the right support, women can better manage this transition. It is crucial to offer an empathetic and understanding approach, providing clear information about available options and fostering an emotional support network.

In summary, premature menopause is a condition that requires careful and compassionate attention. Understanding its causes, symptoms, and therapeutic options is essential to providing effective support to women facing it, helping them navigate this significant change in their lives with greater confidence and well-being.

At Mater Clinic, our expert gynecologist Dr. Jaramillo offers consultations for menopause issues, which can include a holistic approach, ensuring you receive the personalized care you deserve for your overall well-being and reproductive health.


Remember, your health is our priority. At Mater Clinic, we are committed to clearing up your doubts and helping you achieve your reproductive health goals effectively, empathetically, and compassionately. If you want more information, you can contact us without any obligation or book an appointment with us. We are on Doctoralia, or you can write to us on WhatsApp at 645 096 548 or through your preferred contact method. We would be delighted to talk with you!

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