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Energy healing: Reiki to boost fertility

At Mater Clinic, we understand that health and well-being are multifaceted and require a comprehensive approach. That’s why, in addition to offering traditional medical treatments, we integrate holistic medicine practices to provide more complete and personalized care, because we believe our patients deserve it.

Reiki, with its focus on vital energy and the harmony of body and mind, is just one of the many holistic therapies we offer to complement conventional medical treatments. We believe that by combining these two care philosophies, we can better support our patients on their journey to parenthood, addressing not only their physical needs but also their emotional and spiritual ones.

At Mater, we are always seeking innovative and complementary ways to help our patients achieve their dreams of becoming parents. One of the alternative therapies that has gained popularity in recent years is Reiki. This ancient Japanese healing method not only promotes relaxation and general well-being but can also be an ally in treating infertility.

What is Reiki?

Reiki, which means "universal vital energy" in Japanese, was developed by Mikao Usui in the 19th century. The word consists of two Japanese characters: "Rei" meaning "universal" and "Ki" meaning "vital energy."

The practice involves the laying on of hands over or near the patient's body, with the aim of channeling energy to balance the energy flow and promote healing. Reiki is a non-invasive therapy and can be performed in combination with other medical treatments and complementary therapies.

How Can Reiki Help with Fertility?

  • Stress Reduction: One of the most documented benefits of Reiki is its ability to reduce stress and anxiety. Chronic stress is known to negatively affect fertility by disrupting hormonal balance and the menstrual cycle. By promoting relaxation and reducing stress levels, Reiki can help create a more favorable environment for conception.

  • Hormonal balance: Reiki may help balance the endocrine system, which regulates the hormones crucial for fertility. Although there are no conclusive studies confirming this effect, Reiki practitioners believe that the energy channeled during a session can help harmonize the functioning of hormonal glands.

  • Improved blood flow: Better blood circulation is essential for reproductive health. Reiki can help improve blood flow to the reproductive organs, promoting a healthier environment for fertilization and embryonic development.

  • Emotional support: Infertility can be an emotionally challenging experience. Reiki provides a safe and comforting space where individuals can explore and release negative emotions. This emotional release can have a positive impact on mental health and, in turn, fertility.

  • Immune system strengthening: A strong immune system is important for overall health and fertility. It is believed that Reiki can strengthen the immune system by promoting the overall well-being of the body and mind.

  • Energy Balance: According to Reiki principles, blockages in the flow of energy can cause physical and emotional problems. By restoring energy balance, Reiki can help improve reproductive function.

  • Improved Sleep: Quality sleep is crucial for reproductive health. Reiki can enhance sleep quality, which in turn can benefit fertility.

For these reasons, we consider Reiki to be a useful tool for improving fertility by complementing conventional medical treatments. By reducing stress, balancing hormones, improving blood flow, and providing emotional support, Reiki can create a more favorable environment for conception.

At Mater Clinic, we believe in a holistic approach to infertility treatment. In addition to offering advanced medical treatments, we also support complementary therapies like Reiki.

While it is not a substitute for medical treatments, Reiki can be a valuable addition to your fertility plan. Numerous patient testimonials worldwide highlight how Reiki has been an effective complement to their fertility treatment. Combining modern medical techniques with holistic practices can offer a more complete and harmonious solution. At Mater, we understand that fertility is not just a matter of physical health, but also involves emotional and spiritual well-being.

That's why we offer Reiki as part of a comprehensive approach to fertility, providing our patients with a therapeutic option that complements conventional medical treatments.

At Mater Clinic, each patient is unique and deserves personalized care. We are here to guide and support you every step of the way. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation and discover how Reiki can be part of your fertility journey.

If you are looking for other ways to improve your fertility and are interested in a more holistic approach, consider adding Reiki to your treatment plan at Mater Clinic. Our gynecologist has extensive experience with Reiki as a complementary therapy.

At Mater Clinic, we are committed to your health and well-being. Contact us today to learn more about how Reiki can help you on your path to parenthood!


At Mater Clinic, we have caring professionals ready to answer your questions. If you want more information, you can reach out to us without any obligation or book an appointment with us. We are available on doctoralia, or you can message us on WhatsApp at 645 096 548 or through your preferred contact method. We would be delighted to speak with you!

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